The CHI 2020 organizers, SIGCHI and ACM have recently decided to not hold the conference in Hawai’i anymore. This is to support global efforts in slowing down the spread of COVID-19 which is now a pandemic. Unfortunately, this also means that the Asian CHI Symposium will also not be held physically. We are now exploring a virtual symposium but with a shortened program and different presentation format. Authors of accepted submissions will be contacted soon for further details.
The Asian CHI Symposium showcases the latest HCI work from Asia, the Asian diaspora and those focusing on incorporating Asian sociocultural factors in their design and implementation. Aside from circulating ideas, identifying emerging research problems and envisioning future directions in human-computer interaction research, this symposium aims to foster social ties among academics (researchers and students) and practitioners and continuously grow a research community in Asia.
At CHI 2020, we plan to continue the successes of the 2019 edition by bringing together more research leaders from Asia and the Asian daspora. Specifically, we encourage participation from the other underrepresented regions of Middle East and South Asia.
Keynote Speakers
In past editions, the symposium has invited a diverse and excellent line up of keynote speakers. For 2020, we have the following confirmed speakers:
